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HARMAN TiTAN 8×10 Pinhole Camera is available

We have been looking forward to hearing this news for a while: The HARMAN TiTAN 8×10 Pinhole Camera is available now! It (or should I rather write „He“ as the press release headlines „Big Brother is watching you“?) is the HARMAN TiTAN 4×5 Pinhole Camera’s large counterpart. One year ago, we were mightily impressed by […]

Adobe releases Photoshop CS2 for free download

Adobe is making a „Happy New Year“ present to everyone by giving away its Creative Suite 2 (and some other programs) for free. Of course this software has already gathered some dust since its release in 2005. Yet it offers great tools for photo and video editing as well as other tasks (layout, vector, etc.). […]

New Impossible Instant Cameras in 2013

When Polaroid cancelled its film production in 2008, the future of instant photography looked rather dim. Literally in the last moment The Impossible Project was able to rescue Polaroid’s production facilities in the Netherlands. The company successfully redeveloped the original integral film and launched it in 2010; ever since the film material has been continuously […]

Impossible revives 8×10″ Polaroids

Less than 40 years after its introduction and only few years after its discontinuation 8×10″ instant film has just been revived. In 2009 the Dutch company Impossible bought the last intact 8×10″ Polaroid production machine and transferred it from Waltham (USA) to their factory in Enschede (Netherlands). Since that time they have been working on […]

Here we come!

We are proud to present the new English version of Überlicht. At our German blog we have been blogging about photography for almost two years now. During that time we realized, that a lot of posts are read by many people from around the world with the help of google translate. For that reason […]